Good pubs in Glasgow

4 Conversations

Wheresoever there are gathered two or three together, one of them will probably ferment any handy biomass and try to sell it. There are over a million people in the greater Glasgow area, and therefore an awful lot of pubs. This is a highly subjective guide to some of the better ones

The Counting House, George Square.

As the name suggests, used to be an old bank. Comprises a
large central area (with the bar in the middle), and lots of
smaller side areas. A good choice if you like grandeur in a pub,
although you have to strain your neck to see the nice bits. One
of the Weatherspoons pubs in the city, so prices are reasonable.
Can get *very* crowded in the evenings. Has smoking and non-smoking
sections. Bar staff are not the fastest (there's a lot of bar to
cover), so doubles are often a good idea.

Uisge Beatha, Woodlands Road, West End

The complete antithesis to a chain pub. Looks dowdy on the
outside, but inside it's a great place, if rather idiosyncratic.
One of the best whiskey selections in the city, and the food is a
bit different, but delicious. For more details see here. Other entries can also be found here and here

Hogshead, Roundabout on Woodlands Road, West End

One of the chain of pubs of the same name. Originally a school, it now boasts a large, woody sort of interior. Also notable for its beer garden out front (a reasonably sized patio). A reasonable place, it often has a small selection of interesting cask beers. It is generally possible to get in here even late on a Friday night, although the bar service tends to suffer at this point. See here for more details.

Jinty McGintys, Ashton Lane, just off Byres Road

An Oirish (i.e. stereotypically Irish) pub. Good Guiness, as you might expect. Has a small beer garden out back, which is nonetheless as large as the actual pub. Tends to spill out into Ashton lane itself. Ashton Lane is subject to the same byelaws as the rest of the city, but the police don't press the point. See here for more details.

Tennants, corner of University Avenue and Byres Road, West

One of the area's more venerable institutions, this large
drinking hall is noted for it's impressive beer selection. There
are usually at least six or more guest ales, and the forest of
pump handles is a thing of wonder. A pub's pub, with lots of
floor space, at least two different sports on the TVs and a over-21s
policy. The eating is good, and so are the prices.

Revolution, Hope Street, opposite the Odeon

A vodka bar. And a rather highly regarded example of the type.
Time tends to flow differently in this place. Those who can
remember what they did there give it the thumbs-up.

Hubbards, Great Western Road, West End

Another more traditional hostelry, with plenty of wood in
attendance. A great place to watch rugby, especially when
Scotland are playing, although the character of the area means
there are often a few supporters of many of the rugby-playing
countries. Also notable for being next to Cleopatras, one of the,
er, more interesting nightclubs in Glasgow.

Baird's Bar, Gallowgate

Apparently, if you support Celtic you will like this place.

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