A Conversation for Personality Profiling

Psychometric testing..

Post 1

Is mise Duncan

I've done a number of these tests but have never been given the outcome.
Is this normal, or am I considered to dangerous to confront with evidence of my own instability? smiley - winkeye

Psychometric testing..

Post 2


A nice little article. Its always nice to be reassured that these things are not make or break. Indeed, I got shown my results for the one I did to get my present job, which basically said I was not suited for the criteria set down. But they still took me, because of the human interaction bits of the interview.
Not sure about putting your own results at the bottom though, but that is possibly because I never would smiley - winkeye

Psychometric testing..

Post 3


Well Duncan, if the spear fits, wear it !! (you've obviously been profiled by some sensible and very careful people!!)

In reply to Munchkin's comment, one of my characteristics *is* being more willing than most to disclose information about myself. It would be rather hypocritical if I didn't !

Anyway, it all looks fairly innocuous to me (I'm not dangerous like someone else I could mention smiley - biggrin).

Psychometric testing..

Post 4

You can call me TC

I am surprised you got to see your results, too.

Does this have anything to do with the Meyers-Briggs system?

Psychometric testing..

Post 5


Hi TC - no the Myers-Briggs is different. I've only done the Kiersey online version (uses similar basis as Myers-Briggs I think one of these.
Have a look at
[URL removed by moderator]

On the Kiersey test I came out as 'Idealist:Champion' (ENFP) which shows emphasis for Extroversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Perception.

Psychometric testing..

Post 6


On getting results, I'd never been given them before over the years. Either attitudes are changing or these particular interviewers are more open & honest.

Psychometric testing..

Post 7


If anyone's interested in my Idealist:Champion ENFP profile, the summary at
[URL removed by moderator]
seems to be a pretty accurate description of how I feel about myself (and, in part, accounts for my avid interest in H2G2 and 'our' thread in particular).
But then, I would say that, wouldn't I ? smiley - biggrin

Psychometric testing..

Post 8


I think there were worries about people copying patented tests - giving respondents the results would give them insight into the theory behind the test. However, due to their more widespread use nowadays less is done to keep the process of designing a test secret - there are a variety of unique tests around, it's not really too difficult to design a new one and the patents on the old ones have run out anyway.

Psychometric testing..

Post 9


As my posting has been moderated (and the URL removed) let me provide any that are interested with some clues ...
try ...
[URL removed by moderator]
goto the bottom of the page and click on Idealist, then click on Champion - that should get you to the right place.

Funny that the Beeb clain to take no responsibility for site content, and then cut out all the bits they don't like !!

Psychometric testing..

Post 10


Rats! its happened again. The man behind the on-line test is David Keirsey. I think he invented or adapted this particular variety. If you play with all or part of his name (search or direct input) you should find the right place. There's also a place called advisorteam, which seams to be connected, but I'm not sure what the connection is.

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