A Conversation for Goths
oh dear
dodgygeezer Started conversation Sep 14, 1999
I thought I'd make a few points:
- Goths don't claim to be satanists
- I know quite a few and they'd rather discuss the merits of drinking kegs of beer than Nietzche
- I've never met a goth who would admit to being a goth as it seems to have become an insult in the minds of most folk
What's funny about goths is that they don't seem to really have very much in common apart from wearing black, lots of make-up (blokes as well) and drinking lots of booze.
You might say, "don't goths all like the same music?". Erm, well actually no, which won't surprise anyone who's heard Bauhaus.
In summary, there are no beliefs or philosophy required to be a goth
Finally I'd just like to quote Patrick Duff. When asked if he'd ever wear any colour other than black he said "If a colour cooler than black is ever invented, the I'll wear it"
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oh dear
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