A Conversation for The Twenty-seventh Letter

Double "U" or No "L"

Post 1

Zaphod II

I thought there were already 27 letters in the alphabet, with the inclusion of doubleU. Or come to think of it the angel said noL, so we're back to where we started. Interesting isn't it - the fact that 26 is half 52 weeks. (i.e. one letter for every 14 days of the year) which, believe it or not, is the national average for the average letter writer. Why this entry wasn't accepted onto the official Guide
is beyond me. The similar style (of humour/irony/intelligence/ambivalence) to DNA is uncanny.
Zaphod smiley - cdouble

Double "U" or No "L"

Post 2

Researcher 188007

I thought E's were still forbidden smiley - winkeye

Double "U" or No "L"

Post 3


smiley - groan
I suggest a re-working of an old saying:

"Read Naples and die."

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