Website of the Week

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This week I spent too much time staring at a monitor. So much, in fact, that my head started to hurt. So I turned off my computer and sat down in front of the television. No sooner had I
turned on the T.V. than an advertisement came on for a fizzy drink called Tango. The drink itself is a fizzy orange drink, although it is available in other fruit flavours as well.

The main thing Tango is noted for, however, is its 'naff' adverts. They are intended to be daft and ridiculous, and they succeed. So, when at the end of their advert I saw an Internet URL, I couldn't help but go back to the computer and have a look. And I'm glad I did. This site is clever and stupid at the same time. And, it's got nothing to do with the drink whatsoever.

First up a warning, this site is near completely 'Shocked'. It uses a lot of 'Shockwave' technology and asks you to download Shockwave7 as soon as you enter. But it's worth it solely for Tattyroids. Tatty
is English slang for potato, and Tattyroids is a real blast from the
past. If any of you remember a game called Asteroids, where you get a
little triangular space ship that you can rotate, thrust and fire, then you'll find something rather familiar here. Although, rather than shooting asteroids until they break up, you get to shoot potatoes, it's addictively funny.

As if one game wasn't enough, there is another one you can download which bears a striking resemblance to another old game. So, if you fancy a bit of gaming nostalgia with a modern twist, check out this site.


06.03.00. Front Page

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