A Conversation for Mixers-of-Things

My application GIN!

Post 1

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

I wnat 2 b the MIXER of O's and I's (0,1 you know...) blended and molt (kinnda like whiskey)

it'll fit right in... with my other (pending) titles...

keeper of 0's, 1's and lost pixels and
Muse of nerds...

(geekish isn't it???0

smiley - smiley

My application GIN!

Post 2

GinTonyx - Keeper and Mixer of the Gin and Tonic, Muse of the Lemon Garden.

I did it. You're a mixer now. Congrats!

Time is running so fast I can't keep up. Sorry it took me so long.


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