Future Riddles

2 Conversations

This guide is all about a little problem I had when propositioned with one of the most popular issues to debate, when you have ran out of beer or things to discuss. If you could look into the future and see what had happened to yourself would you?

I originally thought yes, this was
A: Because I thought, I would be able to change what happened to me in the future for the better.
B: Because everyone else said no and I thought it would make me look cool to say something different.

After this initial choice I realised something. If you could see yourself in the future you would be seeing your future self that had already seen your future self. Or put in another way it would not matter what you saw in the future because what you saw would be what happens to you after seeing yourself. As you can see dealing with tenses and trying to explain this is quite difficult. But the implications of this mean that if you saw your real future ( please put real in italics ) it would be unchangeable by actions in the present because in essence you have already done them.

This guide deals with a theoretical future. Personally I feel future should be eradicated except in the wishful tense for example I would like to win the lotto. The Past I can except as it is things that have happened but really we are just moving from one present to another present perhaps. So I sat lets be rid of the future and live life without implications.


Except for one more thing I apologise in advance (irony?)(I feel maybe I shouldn't have pointed that out but I'm the kind of person who likes a drum snare after making a bad joke) if this kind of thing has already been discussed or theorized far better than me by someone far more clever. I usually find that any grain of original thought I come up with was already deduced by stone age man or suchlike.

Also as always I also apologise for my spelling and general punctuation which has always been kind of experimental.

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