A Conversation for HTML - A Manual Of Style
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A498945 - HTML - A Manual Of Style
HappyDude Posted Jun 11, 2001
it is in circulation, (my personal site is XHTML).
There is not a great deal of difference betwwen HTML 4 & XHTML, the biggest differences being its case sensitive & that everything has to close (e.g. becomes )
It would take a miminal ammount of work to convert the entry to the current standard.
A498945 - HTML - A Manual Of Style
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted Aug 3, 2001
Just wanted to drop by and say that I think this entry would be pretty useful. The only thing that's kept me from recommending it, as a Scout, is the fear that it will all go funky as HTML functionality is removed from h2g2. However, that's no reason for this entry to languish in Peer Review eternally. I'll see if I can get some feedback from the italics on the issue, and then maybe a friendly Scout will pop by and recommend it.
A498945 - HTML - A Manual Of Style
HappyDude Posted Aug 4, 2001
still say it should focus on XHTML rarther than HTML.
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Aug 10, 2001
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'HTML - A Manual Of Style'. And here's the reason why...
OK, it's decision time! And as usual, when it's tough call, I just look y'all square in the eye, and... erm,
... get Mark to do it.
The feeling is, great entry, but it can't go in the Edited Guide and for the following good reasons, provided, in full, by our Editor:
"I'm afraid we're going to have to reject this suggestion, not because the entry is no good (it is good!), but because we are about to sit down to define exactly which tags will work on h2g2 and which won't. In other words we are going to describe every tag that is a part of GuideML, and all other tags will be ignored, rather than passed through as they are now. We are going to do this to prevent Jim from having to tweak the style sheets every time someone discovers (for example) a new way of displaying external pictures using an obscure attribute to an obscure tag.
Unfortunately the side effect is that any tags that we don't want in GuideML will cease to work, and a lot of the tags in this entry come under that category. For example, we will implement font/cell colouring using a palette that's independent of the skin, so you won't get the problem of deep blue looking cool on Alabaster and invisible on Goo, for example. We also won't support things like H1 and H2, but will define a proper hierarchy for HEADER and SUBHEADER... and so on.
So although this entry was cracking back when we supported HTML, I'm afraid we can't let it into the Edited Guide as it simply won't work. Our apologies. "
Thread Moved
Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide! Posted Aug 10, 2001
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A498945 - HTML - A Manual Of Style
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