Chrono Trigger

3 Conversations

Game Summary

ChronoTrigger is a popular RPG game made for the later days of Super Nintendo. It is frequently considered to be the best SNES game ever. Your lead character, Crono travels throughout time with a party of his friends, comrades, and enemies in order to save the world from what seems to be an inevitable doom in the future. The game's plot twists will continually keep you on the edge of your seat.

ChronoTrigger is often treated as a member of the Final Fantasy series. Much of the game's design work was done by Akira Toriyama, of Dragon Ball fame. It was produced by SquareSoft, as the other FF games were.

ChronoTrigger is especially noted for its innovative combat system. You fight enemies within the terrain you were just walking across (that is, without changing views.) Some enemies can be seen coming, and therefore avoided. Others surprise you. The system is also based on "Tek"'s, which your characters develop, allowing them to use their weapons and magic in newer, more innovative ways.

One of the other much-heralded features of this game is its multiple endings -- somewhere around 12 possible endings exist in the game, and many are excessively difficult to find. To help you accomplish this, the designers included the "New Game +". This allows one to start a new game of ChronoTrigger, with their characters possessing the power they had while beating the game previously. This way, you can whiz through and beat the game in all sorts of ways.


Crono - (1000 AD) Your main character. Traditional spiky-haired anime swordsman. Doesn't say much, but fights like hell.

Marle - (1000 AD) A mysterious girl Crono encounters near the beginning of the game. Possessing a strange pendant, and a dead shot with a crossbow.

Lucca - (1000 AD) Crono's only real friend, and a genius inventor. She creates weapons and all sorts of technologies to aid the team. Fights with guns of her own creation.

Robo - (2300 AD) Upon traveling into the future, the team encounters a strange security robot with a heart of gold. This is not actually that cheesy, I'm just making it up as I go along. Robo fights with his fists, and, sadly, cannot use magic.

Frog - (600 AD) The personal guardian of the royal family, and a master swordsman. Transformed into a frog by a vengeful spell, he fights on for his honor. He is much more than he seems...

Ayla - (65,000,000 BC) A prehistoric cavewoman who leads a tribe of 'em. Incredibly strong, and fights with her fists. Not terribly bright though, and unable to use magic.

The Villains

Yakra - (600 AD and 1000 AD) An evil slug-thingy which attempts to usurp the throne of Guardia multiple times over the millenia.

Magus - (600 AD) A powerful dark wizard, and Frog's arch-rival. Eventually, you are faced with the choice of destroying him, or allowing him to join your party. He is initially blamed for creating...

Lavos - (All eras) Evil incarnate. Lavos dwells deep within the Earth, collecting energy from all of the planet's inhabitants. Naturally, he's the real villain.

Azala - (65,000,000 BC) Leader of the Reptites, a competing force to humans that was eventually wiped out. Azala is the one who called down Lavos; however, he's not entirely evil.

Dalton - (12,000 BC) Owner of the Blackbird and a dominating force in the ancient kingdom of Zeal, Dalton is an irritating, arrogant villain whom you get the pleasure of defeating on numerous occasions.

Queen Zeal - (12,000 BC) A petty ruler, and the Queen of Zeal (no kidding!), who taps Lavos' power and is dominated by it.

That's All, Folks

Anyhoo, that's all my poor, tired fingers can take. Until next time, this is

-- MagicManZach, Signing Off.

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