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Faith in God?

A bad flood threatens to destroy a small town, and an evacuation is conducted. Most of the population leaves immediately. One man, however, is deeply devout and refuses to leave. When some of the townspeople encourage him to leave with them, he replies...

"The Lord looks after me, he will protect me."

And so the people left without him.

Hours later, the man is standing outside. The water is up to his waist. Some men paddle by in a cannoe and invite him to join them.

The man replied "I do not need your help. The Lord looks after he, he will protect me."

The men in the cannoe inform him that he is crazy and leave.

Hours later, the water is up to the man's neck. Some men come by in a motorboat, and offer their assistance to the man.

The man replied "I do not need your help. The Lord looks after he, he will protect me."

The men in the boat attempt to point out that the man will surely die if he doesn't come, but the man refuses to change his position. Finally, the men decide to leave for their own safety.

The next day the man is sitting on his rooftop. The water level has risen drasticly, and is almost touching the rooftop itself. A helicopter appears, and a ladder is thrown down. A man appears at the door with a megaphone and says "YOU MUST LEAVE NOW OR YOU WILL DROWN."

The man replied "I do not need your help. The Lord looks after he, he will protect me."

And so the helicopter leaves.

The man drowns that day. As he appears before God, he says "Lord, I am not worthy to question you. But I have been devout to you my entire life. I have tried to live my life as good as I possibly could. Why did you abandon me? Why didn't you save me?"

God replied "I sent you two boats and a chopper. What more did you want?"

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