The Anti Socialism Manifest- Any essay describing Socialism in a non-flattering light; By Brenton Simpson

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Here is a essay I wrote for my English class. I was quite impressed with it, and it received a 6 out of 6 on the Proficiency grading scale. I have heard nothing but good thigs about it, so I decided to share it with all of you.

The requirements of the essay was a three paragraph essay, beginning with the problem, what you would do to solve the problem, and how it would make your world better.I stretched the 3 paragraph thing just alittle. Oh well, after this brief intro, here yaz go!

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I feel that this is a serious problem because, if it continues, we will end up in an oppressed society, barren of the most basic rights. When rights are taken away, freedom is taken away. When freedom is taken away, people lose their power, their livelihood, and their will to live. Some examples of current socialist propositions are wealth redistribution, the gun control issue, and censorship. These result in a socialist spiral downward, ending in an economic crash that leaves our nation no more better off than any past, or possibly future communist regimes. The second amendment is in place to protect militias and such, to keep the government in check, and to prevent overrunnings of us by other countries. If I am being attacked by some swat team toting rocket launchers and AK-47’s, then I better have an AK-47 in my back pocket and a rocket launcher not far away. If you have no means to defend yourself, you can not defend yourself and are likely to be conquered. If wealth redistribution occurs, what instinct would make you want to be successful. Say everyone makes 500,000 dollars per year. Why would I want to work my butt off to rake-in the same benefits as someone who smokes weed all day. If your base loses morale and stops producing, you have nothing to sell, nothing to give away, and your country, both politically and economically, disbands. If censorship occurs, speech is censored. If speech is censored, one cannot speak freely. If one cannot speak freely, one cannot organize ones thoughts with those of another. If one cannot organize ones thoughts with those of another, one cannot communicate with others. If one cannot communicate with others, one cannot form bands, friendships, or any kind of association with others. If one cannot associate with others, the idea of strength in numbers perishes, and the current regime stays in power, with all of his subjects acting as mindless drones, as they have been programmed to be no more than such.
The solution to this problem is education and suppressing the socialist doctrine. Essentially this is hypocrisy, fighting fire with fire, saying socialism and censorship is wrong, yet censoring the Socialists. The way to conquer this is with education. If you help those who are, for one reason or another, unable to think independently, and to think thoroughly, see the light and explain to them why the big government with its gun control and such must be stopped. If you yell some ridiculous thing in a crowd that is not gullible, they will not believe it. If you show them how freedoms are being surreptitiously taken away, then you gain the advantage. You expose the enemy and they will either retaliate, and try to defend themselves, or war. The latter is not very likely, they will most likely either convert to the anti-socialist way of life, if they, themselves were unaware of the consequences of their actions, or go to plan a new way to conquer us. That is why this education must be ongoing. If generations in the future are as ignorant, unaware, and as not free-thinking as we must become, then they are vulnerable to the same attack as we will have formerly been vulnerable to. In summary, we must rise up and spread our doctrine to overpower the enemy doctrine. We must educate those who are unaware, and we must fill the heads of those who don’t think on their own with our message, replacing the liberal message. Thirdly, we must continue the second. We must prevent the vulnerability of those to come. We must educate them as we will have educated their predecessors.
This expectation of the essay will be the most difficult to write, and probably the shortest. Essentially, if I may start another sentence with this term, it is the same America as we live in today, strike the openness to an attack from inside. The one difference is that Socialism will have been drive out of the minds of all but the most devout Socialists, the ones who led the rebellion, consciously or unconsciously. But we will have rebelled against these rebels, saving the liberty that we enjoy now, only revitalized and strengthened. The hardcore Socialists will continue to be Socialist, but they will now, then, be in the minority. They will likely continue to attempt to drive Socialism, but will either die trying, or pass on their message to their descendants. If we draw the potential wool away from the eyes of the future, they are bound to fail again. This is the message we must send to revitalize ourselves, and our independence. This is the message that we must send to continue to be free.

I apologize, but it lost all formating in the posting; I hope to remedy this when I get the chance.

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