
2 Conversations

To many people, God is an all powerful force over the universe. A supreme being who created the universe for some unknown purpose, who designed it. A benevolent protector, a carer, who will love and watch over them. It is the source of worship from hundreds of religions across the world. However, i have my own theorie as to what God is.
God is the product of many people in olden, olden, olden times who could not face the fact that life is crummy and that you only get one chance at it anyway. They therefore began to "believe" in (create) a mystical, magical, superior being who made the WHOLE world by "magic"
and will reward us or punish us when we die. Obviously other people who were depressed thought "Hey! That's a good idea!Maybe i haven't really wasted my life! Maybe i'll be rewarded for it when i die! YEAH!" and so forth. This "god" has obviously splintered off into a hundred different religions, larger than anyone at that time would have believed. However, notice how every religion has one thing in common? One or more Gods. Why? Because it all came from the same idea. Maybe several people across the world had the same idea at different times.Nevertheless, God was created so people didn't have to face up to the facts that life is unfair, mean, and at times braindamagingly cruel, because "I'll go on....to a BETTER place!"
Visions of God are not proof either, if you want something bad enough, even subconciously, OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO SEE IT IN YOUR DREAMS! Later on it was manipulated by the religions such as Christianity to control the populace, i.e. follow our rules and live in paradise when you die, burn in torment if you don't. In fact, in medieval times, if you donated all your land and belongings to the church, you were asured a place in heaven. This applies to all other religions, of course. Clearly that doesn't happen nowadays, everyone has forgotten the things said centuries ago, religion has evolved if you will. Nevertheless "God" has not changed. I give to you, MY definition of God..."cough" "cough"....

God is an antidepressant

There you have it ladies and gentleman, i rest my case.

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