A Conversation for Star Constellations: The Lion


Post 1


This is great, one question though:

If you have scanned in the star map (and modified it) does that cause problems with copyright (Towers are very strict!)?

Other than that this is brilliant, I am sure Towers won't mind keeping the maps.

Thanks you!



Post 2


This is no problem. The originals are entirely different, no pixel of them has survived: I used them as a background layer just to have the right positions for my symbols and lines. And no one can hold the copyright on the sky.smiley - smiley


Post 3


Great, I've got to go now but I'll link to this page from the constellations index page and explanation as soon as I can!



Post 4


Before I draw further maps I need to know how good they will look after having been re-painted by the h2g2 art team. Anna said that they can be included but they want to use the pain bitmaps as a template instead of the Corel Draw files (which I don't understand, by the way). See http://www.h2g2.com/F21356?thread=92919 So let's try to get _one_ constellation entry edited to see whether it's worth it. Any further comments on the contents of such an entry?


Post 5



I'll contact Mark and ask him for advice as he is editing all the Uni projects!

I'll let you know if I think of any extra info.

smiley - star

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