A Conversation for Project: Great Mathematicians I (the Greeks)

Something's missing

Post 1


Not counting Hippocrates and Eratosthenes, who I personally think are both worth mentioning, there is one mathematician who is DEFINATElY missing from this list:


With the possible exception of Archimedes, he was the most productive mathematician of all antiquity.

Furthermore, it might be an idea to specify that you are talking about Zeno of Elea and not Zeno of Sidon.

Something's missing

Post 2

h2g2 Mathematical Institute (Joe and MeAndyG)

I have added them smiley - smiley

Would you like to write those articles?

Something's missing

Post 3


I need to look over my source material, which I will have access to in just under two weeks. After that, I'll tell you what I can do. Aristotle, Plato, Zeno, Thales and maybe Eudoxos shouldn't be too hard to manage, though.

Something's missing

Post 4

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Oh good smiley - smiley

I reserve Diophantus. Algebrists are always in my favour smiley - winkeye

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