CB 4

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Colour Vision


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CB 6


What kind of CVD might you have?


Blue - Yellow

What do they mean? Axis colour vision falls either side of, deficient in one area. *NOT* the label of which colours you confuse.

CVD affects how you view the entire spectrum of colours AND limits the number of distinct hues available to vision.


Protanopia - red cones absent

Deuteranopia - green cones absent

Tritanopia- blue cones absent

Anomalous Dichromats

Protanomalia - red cones partial
Deuteranomalia - green cones partial
Tritanomaly - blue cones partial

Monochromats Rod and Cone

Unilateral Colour Vision Deficiency. Although extremely rare, the expression of the genotype or through acquired injury, can mean that the receptive deficiency is present on the retina of only one eye. The earliest documented cases date back as early as 1879, with the controversial case of Herman Goldenberg with more recent documented study in 1957. These extremly rare forms of colourblindness present an obvious opportunity to test how colour is perceived by the brain from differing inputs of spectral light sensitivity.

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