A Conversation for 2nd Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition: Voting!
Vote For Peta
Bluebottle Started conversation Nov 28, 2000
If you wish to vote for PETA, please say so here:
Vote For Peta
BuskingBob Posted Dec 6, 2000
I vote for Peta. Now, about this tacky photo of her......
Bluebottle Posted Dec 18, 2000
VOTING IS NOW CLOSED!!! I would, though, like to invite everyone who has either entered the competition or voted in it to attend the Competition's Party at: http://www.h2g2.com/F54234?thread=93899 while the results of the competition are judged.
New Competition:
Bluebottle Posted Sep 5, 2001
The 3rd Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition has not yet started, but it will soon. Those of you who were interested and took part in last year's have the special priveledge of being invited to the following thread: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F44375?thread=139519 in which you'll be told all Bikini Competition news, when it starts etc, and will be able to warm up for when the voting starts. :-) So tag along, have a chat, talk bikinis, and size-up the competition 8-)
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Vote For Peta
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