A Conversation for 2nd Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition: Voting!

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 1


If you wish to vote for GALAXY BABE say here:

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 2


One vote. OK ... let me see ... "Punch hole in card aginst left hand side of ...." Ouch! Got my finger. Right! Voted! Bring on the constitutional lawyers ...

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 3

Zak T Duck

My vote's for Galaxy Babe smiley - hug

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 4


That's a big cross on the vote card for Galaxy Babe. It seems much easier than all that palaver with machines, chads and dimples...

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 5


I didn't see any chads or dimples when I checked out her picture????

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - blush*LOL*

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 7

The Caffeine Kid

Although I have never seen you in a Bikini that I can remember, I can remember seeing you a lot of times NOT in one... HUBBA HUBBA...

You get my vote every time sweetheart, how could it possibly be any other way.

Andy xxx

Vote For Galaxy Babe

Post 8

pathew sgleiniog


Let it be known that was me registering my vote for Galaxy Babe.

(Not that I condone this kind of shameless body-centric superficial competition of course - I'm merely being a hypocrite)

But still... Yay! Go GB! Whoop! Whoop!


smiley - sleepypathew


Post 9


VOTING IS NOW CLOSED!!! I would, though, like to invite everyone who has either entered the competition or voted in it to attend the Competition's Party at: http://www.h2g2.com/F54234?thread=93899 while the results of the competition are judged.


Post 10

Silly Willy

Oh pizzle, I appear to have missed the deadline smiley - sadface
smiley - silly


Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hmmmmm yes, Seven of Nine won!!!
Do you read http://www.h2g2.com/thepost Will?smiley - biggrin


Post 12

Silly Willy

No smiley - winkeye, well at least very rarely!
smiley - silly

New Competition

Post 13


The 3rd Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition has not yet started, but it will soon. Those of you who were interested and took part in last year's have the special priveledge of being invited to the following thread: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F44375?thread=139519 in which you'll be told all Bikini Competition news, when it starts etc, and will be able to warm up for when the voting starts. :-) So tag along, have a chat, talk bikinis, and size-up the competition 8-)

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