A Conversation for 42? - Oh no not again (wait, wasnt it a bowl of petunias that said that?)
Haven't I seen that somewhere before? ;-)
Anonymouse Started conversation Nov 8, 1999
That looks an awful lot like the visual portion of the interview from an RA file (link elsewhere in another old forum on h2g2) where he gave this long speech about how he came up with the most neutral number.
Haven't I seen that somewhere before? ;-)
Bruce Posted Nov 15, 1999
Could be, could be
But I figured once I'd coded the RA file a few stills were small potatoes & worth it for those without the necessary plugin.
Haven't I seen that somewhere before? ;-)
Bruce Posted Nov 15, 1999
Needless to say
"Dear Bruce,
As requested, we have surveyed your submission to The Guide entitled
"42? - Oh no not again (wait, wasnt it a bowl of petunias that said
that?)" and found it worthy of rejection.
I don't think it's quite the sort of thing we want in the /official/
guide, is it?
Mark Moxon.
Editor, h2g2"
Haven't I seen that somewhere before? ;-)
Bruce Posted Nov 16, 1999
Of course, they say that sort of thing about a lot of my 'stuff' - guess we have different agendas
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Haven't I seen that somewhere before? ;-)
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