The good ship Jean de la Lune

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Have you ever dreamed of sailing on the high seas, with just the sound of the sheets in the wind, the gulls overhead, and the splash of dolphins amongst the moonlit waves. How romantic. But why restrict yourself to mere dreams? Indeed, you too can swing from the rigging, and challenge the pirates if you so desire.
This researcher was privileged to spend a week sailing on the Jean de la Lune, a square rigged brigantine (if I remember correctly) registered in Leith, sailing from Oban. The ship takes only about 15 passengers which makes a friendly sized group, the food on board in excellent (with fresh bread and everything produced by a top chef in a galley the size of an average coat cupboard), and the Captain knows all the best pubs. Especially those where at 11 o’clock the landlady rings the bell and shouts “Keep on drinking!”.
A weeks cruise took us from Oban, past the Isle of Mull, up around Skye, and back. Longer cruises during the summer go out to St Kilda, or even down to the Med, as part of the Tall Ships race.
Ideal holiday for anyone reasonably active (the pub may be 15 feet above deck level at low tide). Climbing the rigging and helping with the sails is not compulsory, but is great fun. A camera with a good strap is wise. (Likewise camcorders.) Extra strength sea sickness tablets are absolutely essential unless you have a gut of iron. A ride on the biggest rollercoaster in the world does not compare to 6 hours of sailing at an angle to the wind - up & down & up & down & up & down & up & down & up......

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