London from the air

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I bought this book from a book store off the bargain table a few years ago.

I've never really gotten past the first few pages.

I end up staring closely at the rooftops and the patterns of windows and the way streets meander at the bottom of the canyons formed by high-rises.

The ant-like people are of no interest to me except that they are the termites who fill the towering nests that rise toward the sun side by side from horizon to horizon.

One of the shots is a night scene over The City and the caption says at night there are only 5,000 people there.

Lambeth Palace.... what more can I say?

When I put the book down the other day, I went into the other room and picked up a nickel. It seemed very huge to me, about the size of building and I wondered what purpose it served... before my sense of perspective returned.

I've got one question, though. What is that scrap of ancient wall across the street from the Tower of London?

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