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Welcome back to the Post for yet another interview with a member of the h2g2 team. This week we will be chatting with Anna from the Towers. Quite a busy girl she is!

Before coming to h2g2 Anna worked in Thailand in an upmarket restaurant on the island of Phuket. As an employee of the restaurant she was involved in the promotion of the restaurant and it's cooking school. She was also in charge of organising events such as art exhibitions and musical weddings. The restaurant was named 'The Gallery Grill' and was set in a beautiful ornamental garden overlooking a bay... facing Southwest, which boasts amazing views of the sunsets from the cliffs.

After leaving Thailand she found herself looking for work. She began searching for something in journalism as she had worked for magazines before leaving for Thailand. One day, while scanning 'The Guardian' newspaper, she spotted an advert for a position with tdv. She went over to the site to have a look around and immediately loved it so much that she gathered up her CV and sent it off to them. Shortly after that she was pleasantly surprised to find she was going to be granted an interview with Mark. The interview was a nail biting two-part process for her, as she really wanted this position with tdv. When Mark finally told her that she had, indeed, got the job, she was thrilled! In her words it was 'Woo-Hoo!... (Don't you wish all jobs were this way?)

As a part of tdv she boasts the title of 'Deputy Editor' and is responsible for commissioning artwork as well as looking at entries once the sub editors have sent them back.... before they go up. She keeps in contact with the subs, whom she refers to as 'Super-stars', on a regular basis, whilst trying to keep a grip on the overall quality of the guide. If you happen to pop over to her page you will find many helpful hints and guidelines for writing an article, as well as how to get your article approved.

Anna finds that there is no 'best part' of her position, she enjoys everything about it. She loves seeing the different personalities on the h2g2, and how they interact so well together. As for in the office, she is grateful to be working with such a fantastic group of people (I have yet to have anyone say the team was less than fantastic, what a job!). She also enjoys reading through all of the entries the researchers come up with finding some of them to be so good, clever or funny that it makes her proud to be a part of the Guide. The only part of her job she does not enjoy is when it is time to go home.

When asked if she could change one thing about h2g2, she responded that she would put some blinds up in their office. She tells me that there used to be some there, but they fell off the wall, and now that it is getting sunnier in the mornings she is finding that the sunshine on her screen makes her eyes hurt. Until this is remedied she will just continue to go make cups of tea for everyone while waiting for it to move on.

Try as I might, I could not get her to give me any juicy office gossip. She did state, however ,that should she decide to change her mind, I would be the first to know. I did find that I was able to get her to mention the Salsa lessons on Friday afternoons; these are, in her words, 'a riot'. (Hmmm., wonder if we could get some pictures of that?)


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