Let Me: Let You

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Let me smiley - space~ smiley - spaceLet you
inside you, Ismiley - space~ smiley - spaceinside me? So
promise not to hurt.smiley - space~ smiley - spacethat you can examine
I won't probe where you smiley - space~ smiley - space the intricate wrinkles of my psyche
say I must not, and I won't smiley - space~ smiley - spaceuntil they are as familiar
ask the things you saysmiley - space~ smiley - spaceas the lines on my hand
I must not. Let me smiley - space~ smiley - space and beloved as
know the real you,smiley - space~ smiley - spacethe folds in
peel away the smiley - space~ smiley - space my belly?
layers untilsmiley - space~ smiley - spaceShould
smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacelet yousmiley - space~ smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space know your fears
know me? Uncoil mysmiley - space~ smiley - spaceyour hopes and dreams.
hand-carved, life-scarred core smiley - space~ smiley - spaceI yearn to cradle
or keep always guarded a part of mesmiley - space~ smiley - spacethat pretty little head
hidden, secret, locked away? smiley - space~ smiley - spacegaze into those trusting pools
Is it want or need that slavishly drivessmiley - space~ smiley - space and search inside. Let me
you to seek this empathy, or smiley - space~ smiley - spacerun my fingers down
is it merely a devilish smiley - space~ smiley - spaceyour spine, numbering
tool, the tailored keysmiley - space~ smiley - space each notch, figuring you
to unlock the smiley - space~ smiley - space out as your figure
juicy centre? smiley - space~ smiley - space is stripped bare.
For you, smiley - space~ smiley - space Let me
you, find smiley - space~ smiley - spaceis a Machiavellian
the bottom line, smiley - space~ smiley - spacemeans to an Elysian end
and grasp the deep seat smiley - space~ smiley - space your focussed eyes on the prize
of your soul, pull you chest smiley - space~ smiley - space a practised path to pleasure, paradise
close, hold tight smiley - space~ smiley - spacegained with the quest of knowledge

your mighty spirit.smiley - space~ smiley - space cunningly temporary, a well-worn
Let us become as one smiley - space~ smiley - spacewangle to your wicked way
your hand in mine, oh smiley - space~ smiley - spaceor could it possibly
how I want smiley - space~ smiley - spacebe that
honestlysmiley - space~ smiley - space I'm begging
truly, genuinelysmiley - space~ smiley - spaceyou, I am
really really care? smiley - space~ smiley - space different, I swear.

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