Imperative Territory
Created | Updated Feb 8, 2009
With apologies to my hero, Prof Dr Konrad Lorenz, who was once caught naked in a fish tank by the Oberbürgermeister of Munich, because science waits for no bureaucrat1.
Ray and Silo
Raised a chick together in Central Park.
Not so odd for penguins.
Tango seemed to like her two dads.
Ten to fifteen percent of female western gulls
Just don't like guys.
Party on, ladies.
In the wild, female mantids rarely eat their mates.
What does that tell us?
Feed yours better, people,
And take your notes more carefully in future.
My dog (an ex-male) sits waiting for the postal lady
So that he can bark at her.
This appears to be a biological imperative.
It can't be love. She never pets him.
Hey, pretty woman, let's you and me
Mosey down to the steak house.
I'm supposed to feed you so you find me more attractive.
Or don't want to barbecue me.
Or something.