A Conversation for 42

for tea two?

Post 1


pick a number, any number...
Of course 42 is the meaning of life, and as such it is somewhat fruitless to try and find further meaning to The Answer.
However, ever tried converting 42 to binary?
42=101010= I owe, I owe, I owe,
so off to work I go...
The True Answer!!!
or at least significant

for tea two?

Post 2


Well, good! How did you find out? Convert everything to binary prior processing? smiley - smiley

for tea two?

Post 3


Wonko the Sane is it?
I found out by having my uncle tell me about it. He's an old-skool computer programmer, and (apparently) that is the meaning behind 42.
It's easy to come up with even without maths skills, just type 42 into the Advanced windows or Mac calculator and press "Bin" (for Binary)

for tea two?

Post 4


Well, I once read a (auto)biography of (or by?) Douglas Adams, that's where I found the tea for two thing, which my friend Klaus had suggested to be the answer on his own.

But DNA himself always said that he didn't intend it to have any meaning.

Some researchers once made a test with many people asking them to pick a number between 1 and 100. 42 was the winner. But you may question how many DNA fans there were. smiley - smiley

for tea two?

Post 5


DNA could be pretty vague. Must be a author's trait. But since he didnt give 42 any meaning,(?) it means all of us can assign whatever meanings we like to it.
Which is a good thing.
By the way, check out The Idea at my page...

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