
2 Conversations

Mayonnaise is made with egg yolks, vegetable oil, and lemon juice. You can make it in your own home using a food processor, but no one ever does this. That is because the mayonnaise that comes in jars is much better. Why is this true? The Rule of Food says that home cooked food is better than food bought from a store, but the Sub-Rule of Condiments says that anything that you would not eat by itself, but must instead be added to another kind of food to be edible, is better bought from the store than it is made at home. This Rule has been challenged by hundreds of radical free-thinkers around the world. These rebellious souls eat mayonnaise directly out of the jar, and say that it is a food in and of itself. However, they are the types of people who would never even think of cooking their own food at home, and they are probably only doing it because they have nothing else edible in the fridge.

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