Theater Technicians

10 Conversations

Called "techies", these creatures dwell within the darkness of theaters. Sometimes mistaken as goths with their tendency to wear all black, or airport runways when they get a little too carried away with the glo-tape, theater technicians are the unseen work force of the theater.
Called "techies", these creatures dwell within the darkness of theaters. Sometimes mistaken goths with their tendency to wear all black, or airport runways when they get a little too carried away with the glo-tape, theater technicians the unseen work force of the theater.

They have a love of caffeine, due to the late nights they are forced to work. A good way to make friends with a techie is to bring caffinated drinks to a crew when they enter the phase a few days before the opening of a show, known as "Hell Week". Do not replace their coffee with decaf, because they have a large assortment of power tools, and are used to moving quietly and invisibly in the dark.
They have a love of caffeine, due to the late nights they are forced to work. A good way to make friends with a techie is to bring caffinated drinks to a crew when they enter the phase a few days before the opening of a show, which is a time known as "Hell Week". Do not replace their coffee with decaf, because they have a large assortment of power tools, and are used to moving quietly and invisibly in the dark.

Technicians are dedicated, loyal to their kind, and very protective of their gaffer tape. They are the ones who build the set, run the lights, sound, fly system, and work with costumes and props.
Technicians are dedicated, loyal to their kind, and very protective of their gaffers tape. They are the ones who build the set, run the lights, sound, and fly system, and work with costumes and props. Anything an actor doesn't do, they do.

The lighting crew gels the lights, focuses them, and deals with trying to get them to stay working. Also, they run the lighting board, and deal with anything that may arise with it. The sound crew runs the microphones and sound effects, setting up speakers and dealing with a large number of cables that are constantly tripped over. They run the sound board, and are also in control of music. Other tasks of tech include building the sets, painting them, creating and storing props and costumes, changing sets during a performance, hunting down actors during a performance, dealing with the director, and keeping constant communication between all other members of the crew.

New techies in educational theater will find themselves with tedious jobs like coiling cable and sweeping the stage, along with suffering through inititaion rites.
New techies in high school crews will find themselves with tedious jobs like coiling cable and sweeping the stage, along with suffering through inititaion rites.

The head of the techies is the Technical Director. The Stage Manager is an important job that typically involves knowledge of all the aspects of tech, because the Stage Manager is the one who has to hold things together. Other powerful positions include the Set Designer, Director, and One Who Has the Keys to the Storage Closet.
The head of the techies is the Technical Director. Other powerful positions include the Stage Manager, Director, and One Who Has the Keys to the Storage Closet.

Techies have a dislike for actors, due to the fact that actors seem only to serve to get in the way of techie work, and tend to whine to techies over trivial matters. This can sometimes lead to actors being put under lights that are a disgusting shade of green.
Techies have a dislike for actors, due to the fact that actors seem only to serve to get in the way of techie work, and tend to whine to techies over trivial matters. This can sometimes lead to actors being put under lights that are a disgusting shade of green. Despite this, actors and techies must work together, otherwise both are out of work.

Theater technicians are defensive of their craft, and stay in the theater much of the time, working. Their primary source of nutrition is fast food, Power Bars, and the occasional accidental sip of paint.

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