Swimming: Breaststroke [for resting]

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Possibly the oldest stroke other than the random motions lumped into "Doggy Paddle."

Frogs and Reaching

The kick in this stroke is as good the pull. The kick is a basic frog kick (really, kick your legs in the manner that frogs kick their legs). The pull is even simpler. Just reach out in front of yourself with both hands and pull as much water as you can. Don't pull past your chest and synchronize the arm movements.


The rhythm is simple, too. Pull, Breathe, Kick, Glide. Don't go faster than you can conveniently say that. It's a rest stroke.


This stroke can be inverted. The inverted breaststroke is identical to the Elementary Backstroke except that the arms recover all the way above the head in a stream-line position and therefore pull much farther (Elementary Backstroke only recovers to shoulders).

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