The Rules of Courtly Love

3 Conversations


(as per the Fish School of the Great Barrier Reef)

1. The state of marriage does not properly excuse anyone from loving.

2.He who does not feel jealousy is not capable of love.

3.It is well-known that love is always either growing or declining

4. Whatever a lover takes against his lover's will has no savor.

5. A male does not fall in love until he has reached full manhood.

6. A mourning period of two years for a deceased lover is required of the surviving partner.

7. No one can love two people at the same time.

8.No one should be prevented from loving except by reason of his own death.

9. No one can love unless they are compelled by the eloquence of love.

10. Love is accustomed to be an exile form the house of avarice.

11. It is unseemly to love anyone whom you would be ashamed to marry.

12. A true lover does not desire the passionate embraces of anyone else but his beloved.

13. Love that is made public rarely lasts.

14. Love easily obtained is of little value; difficulty in obtaining it makes it precious.

15. Every lover regularly turns pale in the presence of his beloved.

16. On suddenly catching sight of his beloved, the heart of the lover begins to palpitate.

17. A new love drives out the old.

18. A good character alson makes someone worthy of love.

19. If love lessons, it soon fails and rarely recovers.

20. A man in love is always fearful.

21. The feeling of love is always increased by true jealousy.

22. When a lover feels suspicious of his beloved, jealousy, and with it the sensation of love, are increased.

23. A man tormented by the thought of love eats and sleeps very little.

24. Everything a lover does ends in the thought of his beloved.

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