A Conversation for Themed Lego - Star Wars
Themed Lego - Star Wars
The Apprentice Started conversation Nov 2, 2000
The world of Lego took a step on to the centre stage when it found the blessing of George Lucas and released a massive line of original Star Wars Trilogy and Episode models. The theme line is almost into it's third year and still not showing signs of stopping. This, then, is a complete overview of everything Lego and Star Wars, with a focus on the standard System sets.
See what you think...
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h2g2 auto-messages Posted Apr 13, 2014
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Themed Lego - Star Wars'.
Back to Entry - this became Edited Entry A577037 Themed Lego - 'Star Wars'
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Themed Lego - Star Wars
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