A Conversation for John Carpenter's Halloween
michael myers
sara Started conversation Nov 2, 2001
well ever since i have watch hallloween i belive michael myers is real and i think that he is a real character even though i'm 17 yrs old but i do belive in michael myers.
but why did michael myers die if he was burnt,chopped,stebbed,shot and he only dies in h20 and even though he killed his family but he left 1 person out....judith myers(michaels sister)
she was born just after he killed his bigger sister but in the film he doesn't speak but people say he doe's speak but really the mask shows up in the dark but no-1 see's him standing
behind the tree...... ut what do we all have in mind and behind the mask is pure EVIL and even though to me michael myers ain't scary and when he escapes out of the mental home he comes
back to kill his younger sister(judith myers) played by jamie lee curtis and michael myers is played by tony.......but if ur scared of halloween u better turn on the lights but if ur not
scared of halloween u better turn off the lights
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michael myers
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