A Conversation for Sugarfoot's Think Tank


Post 1

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

It's official now? I can now think without being told to stop doing that, cause nothing good ever came out of it and stuff like that smiley - winkeye
That's great smiley - smiley

~starts thinking immediately~
Do you have an assignment for me, Princess?


Post 2

Princess Sugarfoot(Royally Enjoying an Algae Pizza Party with Hugo...)

Think... just ever-so hard!!!

We're working on the eyes-shut challenge for the moment...

Please contribute your own ideas!!!


Post 3

The Fish

Umm.... can anyone see orange when they shut their eyes? Because none of my friends reckon they can......

smiley - fish


Post 4

Princess Sugarfoot(Royally Enjoying an Algae Pizza Party with Hugo...)

On the behalf of Dragonfly, SHE can... but only because she is a BRONCOS fan(colors: orange and blue) and she was a tiger in high school... smiley - tongueout

I sometimes see goldfish crackers in front of my eyes... they are orange in color... but I am in a deep, wonderful sleep, and dreaming... should we allow that to account for eyes closed and seeing!??


Post 5

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

At the moment, I'm seeing the opening sequence of Final Fantasy VIII smiley - smiley


Post 6

Princess Sugarfoot(Royally Enjoying an Algae Pizza Party with Hugo...)

::has no idea what Kheldar is talking about, while her typsit seems very excited::

What is this Final Fantasy Seven!??


Post 7

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Actually, it's FF8. It's a Japanese Role PLaying Game. The game that has been the best selling Playstation game ever. Of course, it looks much better on a PC, which is where I play it smiley - smiley


Post 8


Kiddo: I can't see anything. *bumps into something* Oops, who is that?


Post 9

Curry Delivery Boy

FF8, eh? Hows Squall doing these days?


Post 10

RedFish ><>

Is this a new think tank topic???

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 11

Princess Sugarfoot(Royally Enjoying an Algae Pizza Party with Hugo...)

Why not!?? smiley - tongueout

::formulating ideas::

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 12

The Fish

Yes.... FMV all nice and fancy... but you end up doing exactly the same old "lets go and fight some big evil looking monsters with lots of charming weapons..." And it's never really moved on from that.... Still it is a fun game smiley - winkeye

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 13

RedFish ><>

Nice plot too...

FF7, very gripping!

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 14

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

FF7 was absolutely brilliant. Dark plot, good graphics and great gameplay. But I agree on VIII. Apart from the FMV, it hasn't really changed anything huge. But then again, why change a winning team...

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 15

The Fish

"If it isn't broken, don't fix it" smiley - smiley
Quite.... but still I'm more of an RTS fan myself....

Has anybody here played Starship Titanic?
smiley - fish

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 16

Princess Sugarfoot(Royally Enjoying an Algae Pizza Party with Hugo...)

My typist remembers when her brother had a Final Fantasy game.... he got it for Christmas, and it was early morning when he first started to play it!!! He ran into some enemies that looked like giant Hershey's Kisses and the ::Zap:: noise that sucked him into battle scared Dragonfly. But she's sometimes jumpy like that... smiley - tongueout

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 17

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)


I played Starship Titanic once, but I never got the chance to finish it. I borrowed it from someone, and I didn''t have that much time back then, so...

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 18

RedFish ><>

I havent played it, but i read the book

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 19

Princess Sugarfoot(Royally Enjoying an Algae Pizza Party with Hugo...)

Princess Fish don't play these sort of games... smiley - smiley

How many Final Fantasies can there be until they are really final!??

Post 20

The Fish

Not even one developed by DNA himself smiley - winkeye

The book seemed a little... odd.... anyway, the gamewas far more entertaining than the book smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

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