Girlguiding UK Uniforms

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1911: Navy blue ankle length skirt, navy blouse, plumed hat, long gloves, jacket with stand-up collar.

1940: After the war, Guiders wore a navy skirt with a battle-dress top.

1950s: A navy blue suit, with box jacket and straight skirt (which could be worn with any blouse and hat in town, so that Guiders could change into Guide uniform in the evening after working in an office). A pale blue-and-white checked blouse was later introduced, with soft, buttoned-down collar worn with crossover tabs at the neck.

1975: A navy V-necked pinafore dres with matching jacket was introduced, along with an A-line skirt.

That's as recent as my info goes, but modern uniform is easilly researched.

Senior Section:

1916: Cadets wore either their school uniform, or Guide uniform. To distinguish them from Guides, they had a white hat-band, hat badge, and triangular tie.

1920: Rangers had the same uniform as Guides, wih red Promise Badge and a red hat badge. Sea Rangers had navy blue jerseys and skirts, with navy blue hats with 'Sea Ranger' bands, black ties, and white lanyards.

1939: Rangers had a dress of 'Headquarters' blue, a navy blue hat with red badge, and either a striped or plain tie.

1942: Land Rangers wore a grey jersey, navy blue tie, navy blue skirt, and a navy blue beret with red hat badge.

1954: Battle dress blouses were worn by Rangers. Sea Rangers wore WRNS ratings style hats. Air Rangers came into being, and wore almost the same as Land Rangers, but with a pale blue shirt and hat badge. Cadets wore the Guiders' blouse and navy beret, but had a white tie and white Investiture Badge.

1955: A new cap was introduced for Land and Air Rangers.

1959: A new suit was introduced for Rangers, which replaced the battle dress blouse.

1967: Land, Sea, Air and Cadet Rangers came together to become Ranger Guides, and the uniform became an aquamarine blouse, navy skirt, and navy blue cap. A navy pinafore dress became available as an alternative in 1975.

1973: Young Leaders were also able to wear the Ranger uniform even if they weren't part of a Ranger unit.

Again, that's as far an my info goes, but hopefully you can find the rest!

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