A Conversation for The Stretcher

Submissions Please!

Post 61

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, I see. Wires crossed indeed...

We didn't actually talk about disqualifying you. I haven't spoken to the others about this, but I think we would have just given you no points for this week. That would have meant you'd have had to pull out all the stops next time around, get great reviews from the judges and maybe get a couple of public votes as well, but you'd have still been in. The only reason you're out is that that's what you said you wanted smiley - sadface

What do you want to do? Do you want to continue or not? If you do, we'll give you no points for this week, giving you two further rounds in which to prove yourself before the first eviction.

There are bound to be other people who arrange holidays at inappropriate times, get ill or lose internet access. We'll just have to deal with situations like that as they come up.

Submissions Please!

Post 62


Okay, I've had a good think about it and I'm up for it smiley - ok Thank you kind judges smiley - grovel

However, what adjectives would you like me to use?

Fb smiley - smiley

Submissions Please!

Post 63

Skankyrich [?]

Old, interweaving and exoskeletal smiley - ok

Submissions Please!

Post 64


smiley - ok

Submissions Please!

Post 65

Skankyrich [?]

All words that describe me while drunk, in fact smiley - ok

Submissions Please!

Post 66


What? smiley - yikes Your bones come out? smiley - bigeyes

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