A Conversation for 80's Metal, Part One-Hair Metal

FFS Get outta here!

Post 1

Researcher 191252

Well hurray, congratulations on proving that journalism is has nothing to do with un-opinionated information.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a round of applause for the brainless dreary c*nt who wrote this article. My god, talk about having to shove your d*ck into the mainstream music to try and keep your job.
Hell, fine if you don't like a particular genre of music - everyone has their own tastes, but to attempt to p*ss all over something that you clearly have no interest in is pathetic.

F*ck next you'll be trying to tell us that the likes of Poison and Bonjovi made the original glam scene and that the sh*te excuse for a film 'Rockstar' is "pretty accurate".

F*ckwit. Go look up your musical heritage and come back when you know what you're on about!

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FFS Get outta here!

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