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The Quite Interesting Society
The Quite Interesting Society
The Quite Interesting Society Membership Roll

The Score Boards

The QI - 2009 Score Board
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The QI - 2008 Score Board --- The QI - 2007 Score Board

Cvivs testicvlos habes, eivs cardiam et mentem habes

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space
'What we need is a Treasure House of Ignorance'
Stephen Fry

Greetings and welcome to the H2G2 "The Quite Interesting Society" site.

Created on: 29th April 2007 as a link to the BBC television series called QI - Quite Interesting, where panellists are invited to answer questions that appear to have a simple answer. If they respond with the obvious answer, they have fallen into a cunning trap set by the question-master. Some things that are accepted as common knowledge are in fact, far more complicated. The television show has a structure. Each series covers a topic covered by a letter of the alphabet. A tad optimistically perhaps, the intention is thus to have 26 series of the show. QI television show has become a huge success and so have we, and the H2G2 QI Society is celebrating the start of our third season of questions.

Now the programme is rather restricted by the limited amount of researchers available to the BBC. As a result, QI can only have so many programmes. But here at H2G2 we have an almost unlimited number of researchers who truly are experts in Life, the Universe and Everything. In common with the general nature of H2G2, there is no structure, no theming by letter or such Victorian mania. We have an average of 60 playing members and we welcome everyone who wishes to join.

This is an opportunity for all you experts out there to demonstrate the depth of your knowledge and the depth of ignorance within the rest of us. Set us the obvious questions and we, the insufferable mob of HooToo, can try to get the right answer.

However, sometimes the correct answer is not the best one. Answers delivered with wit, elan, style and a certain degree of what I term 'Gullibility Suspendedness' will also be more than welcome.

To set a new challenge to the combined ignorance that is HooToo, start a new conversation below. Try to give us mere mortals a reasonable amount of time to flounder around with wrong answers before you reveal the amazingness of your knowledge.

There are no prizes as such. Just that warm contented feeling you get when you've helped increase the world's knowledge just a smidgeon. Oh, and you get listed as a contributor in the box there on the right hand side. There is, for those types that feel that 'keeping score' is a Quite Interesting pursuit in itself, a splendid Scoreboard, full of numbers, scores, rankings and suchlike.

Join us and add to the hundreds of interesting, frustrating, stimulating and down right obscure questions that have been asked over the past two years. Meet other researchers, make friends and you get to see your name on the QI Score Board. If you have any questions at all contact me Bob Stafford and if you want to join I will put you on the The QI - 2009 Score Board.

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