Elm Street, Oslo/Norway

2 Conversations

Well well. My favourite bar. Elm Street Rock Cafe.

I spend very much time and money here, and now im going to tell you why:

Elm street as mentioned above is a rock cafe. It's pretty much placed in central Oslo. Its a place where many different people gather. And anyone is allways welcome, unless they do something stupid as breaking things or starting a fight.
It has a great atmosphere and the bartenders are allways nice and happy! Beer costs 41(around:4, USD) NOK.

On the 15 of October 2000, Elm celebrated its 10th aniversery. I dont know exactly how many people had gathered there, But i heard that there were around 300(And thats pretty much for its size). A band named Trashcan Darlings played. It was fun indeed. (Before you ask: Yes i was drunk)

After concerts most people come here for a few extra BEER's and some good chit-chat.
But there isnt only drinking here! Elm Street provides the best burgers in the world. Great food, and much of it! (After this its usually just relaxing i would say)
The most expensive burger is around 80(8 USD) NOK...

Now the people i personally know and those i sometimes just see are usually very laid back people. I think it has much to do with the atmosphere of the place. But i will not speak in someone elses name!

Inside Elm Street there arent just the simple stools to sit on, but couches as well. They have only one problem, and that is if you sit in em, you dont whant to get up..hehe..
Its mostly made of wood inside. The wallpapers are old newspaper pages about everything from when Elvis died to the new album of some artist 30 years ago.
There is a pool table, dart board and a flipper machine for the bored ones.

They play all kinds of music within rock and metal.

Elm Street opens at 10 am and closes at 3:30 am everyday i think.
So if you ever go to Oslo and think this is the place, than go to Dronnoingsgata 32 Oslo.

Thats all i could think of now....

P.S: They have T-shirts, caps, postcards and matches!

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