
2 Conversations

Jungle.com are an online shopping company for the UK. The site contains four separate 'shops': Jungle Beat (Music), Jungle Vision (Video and DVD), Jungle Play (Computer games) and Jungle Computers (Computers and accessories).

Many of the customers for Jungle Computers come from a computer retail chain known previously as Software Warehouse. This was an excellent place to buy computer software and hardware, but seems to have split into two: Jungle Computers has replaced the online retail side, and the high street shops are now known as Computer Solutions, and seem to have halved the range of stock that they sell.

Jungle.com are comparable with other online shopping services in the UK. There is nothing to make them stand out in the music, video, DVD and computer game sides. They are good but not outstanding.

Jungle Computers normally provide excellent service. A wide range of products and quick delivery. 3 - 5 day delivery is free, next day at extra cost. Also, an online order tracking service is provided, which shows the status of any given order

However, as with all large companies, there are some exceptions and orders have been known to take up to three weeks to be delivered.

Jungle.com may be one of the biggest and most reputable online ordering services in the UK, but there's still room for improvement.

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