The Spice Girls

2 Conversations

You can see a lot of things in this old world. Torture. Famine. War. The mass extermination of Jews during the Second World War and the hideous and diabolical experiments performed on them by Himmler (Hitler's right-hand man). And after a time, you get hardened to stuff of that nature. You numb to it. However, there is nothing and nobody, neither God nor man which is even nearly adequate to prepare you for the sheer amazing, incredible, unbelievable, yowling horror that is the Spice Girls. They secured a management contract by coming to his office and sitting on each others' laps on a chair until he agreed to employ them. This basically bespeaks of their entire repertoire. Their songs were puerile and tuneless rubbish which showed absolutely no talent or imagination whatsoever in even the tiniest measure. Their audience consisted entirely of the 7 year old girls who now listen to Britney Spears and, basically, didn't know better and a few lonely 45 year old men living in the west midlands. They moved through a variety of stupifyingly bad and increasingly tight outfits, eventually released a film which, quite literally, defies belief and eventually flickered and faded from their fickle limelight when they ran out of things to shout about love and girls and love.
They also provide the final clinching proof that the Universe is a staggeringly unfair place because if it was in any way justified, they would all have died during birth.

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