A Conversation for What is 'Supernatural'?

You just reminded me of...

Post 1

Belvill the Blind

Your talk about the supernatural reminded me of a philosophy class I had once. We were discussing Metaphysics - the prof asked the class why the study of being and knowing was called Metaphysics. Well we came up with everything from the idea that you need something superior to physics to understand "being" to the idea that such a study is beyond the mandate of physical science. The prof then informed us that the in midevil libraries, subjects such as the study of being and knowing were in the shelves behind the books on physical science - so they became known as meta - meaning beyond - physics.

I'm not sure to this day is that prof was pulling our legs or not - either way, thanks for the memory prime.


You just reminded me of...

Post 2

Jamie of the Portacabin

Sounds like he was yanking you chain to me! smiley - biggrin

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