A Conversation for U/D Map added Hadrian's Wall: A Journey Along the Edge of the Empire

Peer Review: A45276654 - U/D Map added Hadrian's Wall: A Journey Along the Edge of the Empire

Post 1


Entry: U/D Map added Hadrian's Wall: A Journey Along the Edge of the Empire - A45276654
Author: Bob Stafford. ACE smiley - smiley ; - Keeper of The Treacle Shadow - Support the Beeblecasters @ A29805636 - U3151547

I have updated this (added maps) please review

A45276654 - U/D Map added Hadrian's Wall: A Journey Along the Edge of the Empire

Post 2


If you've only added a map Bob and made minor changes, best you do it through <./>Feedback-Editorial</.>, not Peer Review smiley - smiley That way the Eds or Curator can make the changes.

A45276654 - U/D Map added Hadrian's Wall: A Journey Along the Edge of the Empire

Post 3


Agreed now at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F47997?thread=6200747&show=20&skip=0#pi2 thanks Matt

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Peer Review: A45276654 - U/D Map added Hadrian's Wall: A Journey Along the Edge of the Empire

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