A Conversation for Bank Robbery
Robbin banks
RandomThought Started conversation May 20, 1999
I love robbin' banks. And poachin' chickens, and being chouafered,
and drinkin' whiskey, and being illegal(makes my bone wiggle,
every time I see the law.)
Robbin banks
Mark Moxon Posted Jun 18, 1999
I used to know a bloke called Robin Banks. No, he didn't think it was very funny either.
Robbin banks
TowelMaster Posted Jun 18, 1999
I know a guy called Tony Banks, and he's real proud of it. I don't think he knows about that English politician though...
Robbin banks
OvaThaHill Posted Jun 20, 1999
I believe that General Banks is the name of my bank manager - and that he has been robbin' me for years! Every tiny transaction, query - whatever - he yells "CHARGE" ... and the sum total of the charges quite outweigh the usefulness of the service offered! I'm gonna get me a tin trunk to stow under my bed and keep my money in there...you don't ofter hear .."robber holds up tin trunk.." ..do you??
Robbin banks
Peta Posted Jun 28, 1999
My friend Cathy Kerr lived in Spain. She considered naming her first born son Juan.
Robbin banks
TowelMaster Posted Jun 29, 1999
He would have his showbizcareer laid out for him then wouldn't he ?
How about a friend of mine named Geordy long before The Next Generation was released.
Is that coincedence, synchronicity or am I just suffering from paranoia ?
Robbin banks
Researcher 46870 Posted Jun 30, 1999
You mean the bloke on XFM? He's pretty fuuny. Didn't know he was a robber though.
Robbin banks
TowelMaster Posted Jun 30, 1999
Definite robbers by nature :
People on TV
People on Radio
The taxdepartment
Bill G.
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Robbin banks
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