A Conversation for Christian Music, An Introduction

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 1


Entry: Christian Music - A4482272
Author: Still_WRD - U1665007

Yeah, well...

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 2


Interesting introduction smiley - ok

Personally, I'd change the title to 'An introduction to Christian Music'

The problem I have with the title as it is is that I was expecting _a lot_ more...

- Specific time periods, major composers and description of the music
- Examples of various religious services and the types of music used
- How music use varies from country to country and church to church
- Specific types of music (thinking about the anglican church alone this could take in: masses, anthems, sung psalms, hymns, the Anglican evensong service (Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis) etc.).

You _could_ add the extra information, but I'm not sure if it wouldn't be better to create a series of separate entries to cover the various topics.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 3


I'd also like to see mention of specific artists who deal in modern Christian music (rock, pop, that sort of thing). You note composers from the 17th and 18th centuries, but no artists after that.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 4


Technically, 'mediums' in the first paragraph should be media. Someone has to nitpick smiley - winkeye.

Other than that, I'd say this is a good entry. Perhaps you should split it with a couple of headings or something to make it easier to read. And I agree with what has been said about a series of entries. This is quite a big topic smiley - smiley.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 5


Yes, "Introduction" would be a better title. This one does still need work, thanks for the suggestions. I'll start working on those, probably around Sunday.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 6



This will be one of those Entries where you have to decide what to put in and what to leave out: as you say, it could be a huge topic!

You'll need to change all the 'honor's to 'honour' as the EG uses UK English.

Julessmiley - smiley

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 7


Stupid UK English. Why do they think their English is so special? Just because they started it?smiley - biggrin Will do. Let me know if I make any other silly American mistakes.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi Still_WRD. This is a great entry. I think the only thing it is lacking now is a few headers to break it up a bit. These would make it slightly easier to read.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 9



A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 10


Ah, okay. Sorry, when I use my computer at home, I have to make a posting before I can see any new postings that have come up since the last time I was on. That's what the "HEY" was for.

Anyway, gerat Idea, but I'm not sure I would know what to title the headings.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

How about:

"Music Through the Years" just before the second paragraph.

"Why Music?" before the paragraph which starts "The first and most obvious reason..."

"Summary" before the final paragraph.

smiley - smiley

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 12


Ha! You make it sound so simple...

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 13


Do you need some help with this one SW?

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 14


Always open! Not sure I'll be doing much with it, though.

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 15


How do you feel about this one Still?

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 16


I've long since lost interest in it...poor orphaned entry

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 17


Do you have any plans to finish this yourself? If not, it would be an idea to remove it from the Edited Guide Writing Workshop and submit it to the Flea Market.

Alex smiley - smiley

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 18


smiley - whistle

A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 19


I'd like to second the Flea Market proposal as the author has smiley - elvised.


A4482272 - Christian Music

Post 20

h2g2 Guide Editors

smiley - biro Removed from EGWW, back to Entry

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