A Conversation for The Shack

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 1


*Gwennie ambles up to Kumabear's shack, ties her three dogs up outside and knocks on the door. She is carrying an enormous piece of honeycomb*

Yoohoo! Is anyone home?

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 2


*hammering sounds come from roof*

I'm up here. Fixing a leak.

*sniff. sniff*

Honey?smiley - smiley

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 3

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Yes, dear? smiley - smiley

*Phillipa, Mari-rae's useful niece, arrives just behind Gwennie. She is carrying a huge basket overflowing with baked goods, jams and honeys, useful coupons for the Village Shops, a six pack of cold Heineken's, and a note that says "Welcome" in shaky, but legible handwriting.*

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 4


Kumabear! smiley - smiley Hi! Please come down off that roof and greet your guests, but be careful not to fall!

Hi Phillipa! Gosh! Well your basket certainly puts my bit of honeycomb to shame! smiley - winkeye

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 5

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Its just the standard Welcome basket that everyone gets. Do you know this person, Gwennie? He has a nice beard.

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 6


Actually, he looks rather hairy all over! smiley - winkeye

*Regards Kumabear's handy work*

Are you certain that'll fix a leak?

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 7


*finishes stapling dried salmon to hole in roof*

No comments from the peanut gallery! smiley - winkeye I'm a professional! A fish is a perfectly good patch!

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 8


Yes, but a bit smelly though!!! smiley - winkeye

*Curls her nose up at the thought*

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 9

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Takes a step or two backward.*

Er, um, well.

~Whispers to Gwennie~ Is he all right?

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 10


Well, down the right side, at least! smiley - winkeye

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 11


*A bucket of fish lands on Gwennies head wit a splat*

OOPS! did I do that? smiley - winkeye

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 12


*Glares up at Kumabear through a soggy mass of hair and fish tails*

Thanks! Is this some kind of new hair treatment or are you always this hospitable to your visitors? smiley - tongueout

*Philippa stifles a giggle as she gingerly removes a large fish from the front of Gwennie shirt at the same time pinching her nose with her free hand*

Phew! You could have been using fresh fish, Kumabear! I smell as if I've been using Eau de Poisson Mort!

*A swarm of wasps decide they like the smell of fish emanating from Gwennie and converge on her*


*Leaps around trying to avoid the attentions of the wasps*

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 13

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Shrieks and jumps to the side, upsetting the ladder that Kumbear was climbing down on. He spills to the ground and rolls onto fish parts and the honeycomb. The wasps descend on him. Phillipa shrieks, drops the welcome basket and the jam jar breaks, throwing jam up all over her. The wasps like the jam too, and attack! The three figures run in circles, swatting at the wasps and yelping.*

Eeek! Eeek! Eeek!

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 14


*dives in the kiddie-pool to find that there is no water in it.*

AAARRRGGHH!!! Quick! Into the Shack!!!

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 15

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Eeek! Eeek! Eeek!

*Phillipa is running in circles with her hands flapping over her head.*

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 16

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Suddenly Phillipa runs away down the street. She is still shrieking as she goes.*

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 17


Damn! Look at her go!

I come BEARing gifts :-)

Post 18


*Relaxes as the last of the wasps converge on the rapidly retreating figure of Philippa and casually picks a fish tail from her hair*

Wow! Olympics or bust, hey? smiley - tongueout

So...Kumabear, how are we going to reassemble you this time? At the moment, I've got us searching for a plant lady with magic powers (reference to Lyeka in "Lexx" and how she restored Xev). What do you think? Perhaps you would like me to resort to the reliable old staple gun and glue again! smiley - winkeye

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