Assassin's Guild: Mission #1

1 Conversation


Target: Barron Von Weasleia

Target Bio: The leader of a hardened fighting group, be prepared for hand to hand engagement.

Current Knowledge of Area: Approx. 16 km from the Assasin's HQ. The area is somewhat hilly and has numerous rock outcroppings. A dense forest lies about 3 km to the south. We have no specific knowledge regarding the specific area of the target's HQ with the exception that it is a large mansion on a hill top.
How my idea for setting this up works:

First the scouts will create the guide entry1

Then the scouts will congregate at the forward hq and the area will be divided up amoung them for recon

Each scout will create one or more threads for his or her area,depending on how complex it is, along with a recon report of the terrain and anything else of intrest2

This will set up the RPG threads that the mission will be carried out.
At this point the other teams take over...I don't really have any ideas regarding that...
1Which will probably be my responsability...which I'm okay with2enemy locations, structures, roads, and other stuff of the sort

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