Selling Computers

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Agruably the most tricky product to sell (exceptions include selling a book with 'This book will change your life' on the cover, selling encyclopedias and selling Sinclair C5's, which don't count.)
The problem with trying to flog a computer is first trying to find someone a) Gullible enough to buy the one you want, b) to convince them that it really won't go out of date tomorrow (no, really, it's fully upgradeable, state of the art...) and c)getting them to buy your brand rather than one they've actually heard of ('I know Deep Thought is a very famous computer, but do you really want to wait 7.5 million years every time you ask it a simple question?...)

You will find most computer sales people hide behind the counter, out the back or pretend to be talking to somebody else. This is with very good reason. Selling a computer is fraught (did I spell that right?) with difficulty. What if it doesn't work? What if they decide they don't want it just after they've thrown out all the boxes? What if they know what they're asking about?

This and many other questions will tax the average computer seller. The basic rule to selling is a simple QED rule - Qualify, Explain, Demonstrate:

Qualify - give a good excuse for its grubby condition ('It has only been on the shelf for a few days, honest.')
Explain - why there isn't a manual ('They believe that their machine is so easy they DON'T EVEN INCLUDE A MANUAL')
Demonstrate - the pleasing corners and pretty screen-saver.

Finally, get the money quickly and pray not to hear from them again.

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