Zoos of Pittsburgh

2 Conversations

When looking for zoos in Pittsburgh Pa, there are several to chose from. However, they are each quite unique, so it is best to know what you are looking for instead of chosing randomly.

First is Phipps Conservetory and Botanical Gardens. This includes only plants. It begins with the largest room, the Palm room, then breaks into many smaller rooms, including the fern room, orchid room, desert room, tropical fruit room, and more.

Next, is the National Aviary, a zoo for birds. It contains many facenating and beautiful birds, but an unlucky few are pooped on, so be careful. However this risk is well worth taking because in only two rooms can the birds fly over head, and second, some of the birds are quite amazing.

The largest and most varied of Pittsburgh's zoos by far is the Pittsburgh Zoo, which recently became the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium after a two year renovation of the now spectacular aquarium. The zoo has many many animals including a monkey house, African animals, an indoor reptile and nocturnal animals house, and Kids Kingdom, a large area desiged spicificly to intrest kids. This area is more interactive and gives people the opertunity to pet goats, lamas, camals, deer, and kangaroos. The zoo's most recent births include two baby elephants, which are rarly born in captivity.

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