The Township of Tserach

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This relatively small town sits on the crossroads of many races. Even so, the population is by far mostly human. Corruption and crime is rampant, the law is weak, and no one is denied entry for the right price. The town is a haven of thieves, smugglers, murderers, and any other vagrant that might be looking to make a few bucks of unknowing travelers. Fierce sandstorms rip through the forest, aptly named Forest of Sands, that completely surround the town. Although this forest isolates the town, it's benifits for the less than legal dealings far outway the distance from other, more wealthy cities that are the prime targets for the large population of theives. Among these benifits is that the town is nearly imune to large scale invasion by land, creating a safehaven for the illegal buisnesses that frequent the area.


  • The Pub

  • Although the drinks might taste like pig swill, this pub is the center of operation for a large portion of the illegal buisnesses in the town.
  • The Inn

  • In the spirit of thievery, the Inn, as well as most other buisnesses, is obviously price gouging; making travelers pay overly high prices for very subpar rooms.

    Places of Learning

    While the town does have a far from complete library and a less than adaquate dojo, the town is entirely lacking in a Psionics lab.


    Life Spells

  • Heal

    Spell Points:0

    Heals a small wound, like a knife cut.
  • Water Spells

  • Mist

    Spell Points:1

    Conjures a thick mist that envelopes the area. Lasts for 6 posts.
  • Fire Spells

  • Warmth

    Spell Points:0

    Warms a target to a comfortable level.
  • Dojo

  • Surge

    Chi Points:2

    Through focusing your Chi, you gain superhuman running abilities for a short period of time. You can easily keep pace with a car.
  • Venom Punch

    Chi Points:2

    An underhand punch that causes the hit area to be inflamed with agony for two turns.

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