I've heard its the most populated square mile west of the Mississippi, but I don't know for sure. It is hard to get any solid facts about this place given the generaly high blood-alcohol level of the average resident. Isla Vista is located immediately west of The University of California Santa Barbara. About half the people who live in Isla Vista are students at either UCSB or Santa Barbara City College. The results of such a high density of college-aged people are correspondingly high occurances of substance abuse, date rape, and petty crime. One of the most popular crimes in I.V. is a special kind of arson. It is difficult at first to understand how "Couch Burning" could possibly have become such a tradition at I.V. parties. The deed itself is very simple; Step 1) Put couch in street. Step 2) Set couch on fire. Step 3) Enjoy. The thought process that fuels such a display of conspicuous consumption is more deeply rooted in the history of Isla Vista itself. Long ago, Isla Vistans were more concerned about the world around them than they seem to be today. In 1972, The Bank of America's Isla Vista branch was burned to the ground as a Vietnam-related protest. It was a spectacular scene that stuck in the collective consciousness of Isla Vista and now manifests itself in the tradition of couch burning. It may not be "sticking it to The Man" as much as the bank was, but it is at least a notable way to annoy the cops.
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