
6 Conversations

What is a Paradox?

A paradox is an assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises.1 What this means, more or less, is it is the existence of two things that contradict each other to the point of not allowing each other to exist.

For example, the all-too-famous example of a paradox is this: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Although this is a rather shallow example, it works for explanation purposes. The chicken must exist first to lay the egg, but the egg must exist first to hatch the chicken. This causes a bit of an endless loop, when looked at this way, and is unsolvable. Thus the paradox.

Another example: "What happens if an immoveable object meets an irresistable force?"

The object cannot move, but it must, for the force is irresistable. This is yet again paradox.

How is this possible?

It's not. As far as science knows, a physical paradox has yet to exist. It is widely believed that this trend will continue, making a true paradox theoretically impossible.

A "physical" paradox?

Yes. As in a real-life occurance of paradox, IE: The feasible, touchable (although it probably wouldn't be safe) example of a paradox. One that actually exists. There are none of these.

The examples above are called "theoretical" paradoxes. They could potentially become paradoxes if they were created.

Paradoxes that occur in thought patterns -- like questions that seem to go in circles when trying to find an answer -- can be called "logical" paradoxes.

Reccomended reading:

"Catch-22", by Joseph's definition of the term "Paradox"
1As defined by's entry on the term Paradox

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