how to make B52s

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1. Get yourself a good shot glass. If you're really in a bad way, get yourself a pint glass.

2. Get your three ingredients: Bailey's Irish Cream, Kahlua, and Drambuie.

3. Pour approximately 3/5 to 1/3 of the glass of kahlua, and then fill up the rest with Bailey's Irish Cream, but leave just a LITTLE bit of space in the glass for the Drambuie. Put that final ingredient in. You should have a cloudy liquid that fills to the brim whatever glass you are using, with discernable but obscured sections: Kahlua on the bottom and Bailey's on the top. The Drambuie should be a small enough component to be invisible.

4. Drink the shot, or if you've had more than 4, spill it in the general direction of someone's mouth, depending on who you want to have the drink.

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